Sunday, December 28, 2014

Time & Tide

If you guys had watched the Justin Timberlake starrer, “In Time” you would have found it more of a science fiction that could be a reality in the distant future where you are as rich as the time you have with you. Time is money. But what we fail to realize is that even today, Time is everything.  Here I am after completing a silver jubilee on planet earth, working ten to ten on weekdays and a few Sundays as well. I earn plenty of money but what I don’t get is Time. Time to do the things that I really want to do. Read a book, watch a movie, write to a friend, pen a blog, take a trip alone without anything planned, meet up with some friends for dinner,  a conversation with a fellow intellect on the complexities of life and existence  and some quizzing. The list is endless but the time is very less. The regrets keep piling up with every passing day. I wish my day had 36 hours !!!

I am learning to plan my day out so that I could at least fit in a few of the above things in my daily life but it simply ain't enough. I have started to appreciate little things like less traffic on the road, if my computer boots fast or if the waiter gets my food without delay as these things save me a little ME time even though negligible. You come back after a hectic day and all you want to do is stretch out and nap.  There was a time not long back, when I was in college, I had all the time on earth but never used it the right way. Would help if I had a time machine that could take me back and give me a second chance to live it better. But oops time travel is just fiction. Only after you feel the importance of a thing that you realize how you have been misusing it. I’m sure you guys came across this Facebook thing which summed up your past year using your status and pics. I tried mine out and my timeline stopped with May , the time I joined work. Simply, I have just missed half a year.

I don’t know if things would change if I move to a less hectic job or if I start a business on my own. But one thing I have realized that it is the simple things that I do in the little ME time that I have is what makes my day and not the whole time I sit in office whining about a horrible boss and the pressure of delivering a humongous sales target. A well thought out thriller, a deeply engrossing conversation with a friend, a chat on a whatsapp group with my school friends scattered geographically across the world, a soul touching song with headphones on, a drive on an empty road in the midnight, some self cooked food and an interesting read. This is life.

You’re life gets defined by how you use your ME time. Different things would interest different people, that’s subjective. But use your ME time efficiently doing all the things you really like cos that is what will make your life livable. Now that there’s no time travel, it is better if we could live every day and spend every ME time your way. Think that you have come back in time from the future to this day, just so that you live it memorably without any regrets. Start now. Hopefully the next year when Facebook summarizes my year for me, it would be complete and every bit memorable. So all, wish you a very Happy New Year  2015. J Oops I’m gonna be 26 this September.