Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Darker Side

Owing to concerns, I would like to add a few facts that weren't dealt with in my previous post. Firstly i clarify that the previous one was a tribute to the LTTE administration and has nothing to do with standing beside their violent methods of fighting its cause. And just because i am reframing my points please don't have me related with the old man ruling from his wheel chair(I am nowhere near his political asylum).

Coming to the point, the cause of the Tigers demanding equal rights for the Tamils is acceptable but that doesn't mean that taking arms is the only solution. It was not the cause but their style of demand that lead to their fall. In fact the LTTE had huge support from India and other nations until it plotted the death of our former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi who sent peace keeping forces to Lanka. It was after this assassination that the LTTE was banned in over 32 countries which was initiated by India. The FBI has described the LTTE as "amongst the most dangerous and deadly extremist outfit in the world".

They are also strongly condemned for recruiting children as militants and for instilling a thirst for blood and vengeance in the little minds. The LTTE also had a notable share of women cadets who were used as police forces and for suicide attacks. It is to be noted that LTTE were the ones who pioneered the use of concealed suicide bomb vests and indulged in guerilla warfare. In a span of 20 years between 1980 and 2000 they are accused to have carried out more than 160 suicide attacks which caused a heavy damage to life and property. The victims include Rajiv Gandhi(1991),former Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa (1993) and a considerable number of civilians.

Yesterday’s press statement from the Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, in which he has stated that their enemies were the Tigers and not the Tamils and that he would take all possible measures to ensure their rights has come down as an welcome note. To conclude, I would like to stress strongly on the point that terrorism is no possible solution be it for any cause. And terrorism of any form is not to be tolerated and is to be put down with an iron hand by the global community.

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