More than blogging, it’s to decide on what to blog that is difficult. I’ve been pondering over it for a while and since I’m nowhere near finding one, just thought I’d come out with some random thoughts. Firstly, I’ve been placed in CTS (BITians- read dream company). Since my teens, I have always thought that I was sure about what I wanted in life but it’s when the showtime is on that all the confusion on earth widens leading to chaos (pardon me if the usage is wrong, wanted to add that word in someplace irrespective of whether right or wrong). And the best decision at such moments is to go by the wind, to accept what life has to offer (I know it isn’t optimistic but it could work). I would love to share a few details on what a dream company means at BIT.

Ever since the day I joined college, the only company that I knew recruits in my campus is Cognizant (there are a few others but you can gladly term them ‘negligible’). And so came the final year, I could hear echoes all around sounding “When’s CTS coming?”, “Machan, teach me aps da.”, “They recruited so many in X college and so many in XX college.”, “You’ll anyways get through CTS, Gethuthaan”. The last one is a cliché on which hours are spent in order to otify someone (means make satirist remarks) when he unknowingly utters some word that the other doesn’t know. There is also something called post dinner session which aims at training grads to crack Cognizant’s HR round (our alma mater says cracking CAT isn’t our task, we leave those stuffs to our inferiors at the IITs). Well, I’m not totally against it as it aims at bringing everyone to a state of equality on a medium scale (the robin hood way).
While talking about lobbying, how can one possibly miss out mentioning Nira Radia ! The lobbyist here is our placement officer (read CTS campus coordinator), Dr Sankaran. There is one incident that could help you understand the whole case. We had an off campus
I used to be astonished when I see books with the title reading, “How to become Ambani in 20 days?”. But now after seeing my roommates preparing day and night barring sleep from logical reasoning to self- introduction, I actually think it is possible that I’ve even ordered for a book

Fine, no matter how the run was, now that the great looking HR hottie has welcomed me on board Cognizant, “All izz very very well”.

gud post :) straight from your gut :)
ReplyDeletenothing but the truth about BIT...
ReplyDeleteraw n relevant!!
ReplyDeletenice :)