Friday, February 12, 2021

You Me & US - One Step at a Time

I often used to get this compliment from the girls I knew in college that I would make a perfect husband. May be because I had been nice to them, told them beautiful things and always gave them a positive vibe. And I did believe so too, that I was that Man. Only to latter realize that, that wasn’t true and in fact far from the truth. Because Marriage is not the same thing as a few small talks or once a day meet ups.  It takes a great deal of time and effort (and fights and tears) for two strangers of different personalities, liking and upbringing to accept each other’s differences, change a few habits and get that synergy to live together under the same roof as a couple. I am married for more than 5 years to this beautiful smart lady and can now confidently say that I am a far better husband, than the one I used to be, yet striving for that perfection which could take another decade or two.

While being the perfect couple could be the final destination, the beauty lies in the process – the fights and make ups, the bashings and hugs, the tears and smiles, the arguments and happy exchanges, the bad words and the cute little nicknames we call each other. So this woman I met for the first time in a temple, surrounded by relatives – mine and hers, not knowing anything other than the fact that she is beautiful (not even that she is a vegetarian- the implications of which were life changing :-P ), followed with a few months of chats getting to know the basic stuff and BANG one day, we were married and living together.

We had a world of differences between us which would crop up at frequent instances, lead to arguments and fights but nevertheless at the end of it, we are together and a step closer than the previous day. Slowly but steadily, we have both changed for the better and today, it would be hard for us to imagine a world without each other. As we stare at brighter horizons this year, I am so looking forward to a time when we are as old as wood, holding hands and lying beside a beach side resort having seen many ups and downs but moved closer every single time. Happy Valentines Day Piku :-) 

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